There are a million reasons to attend ClueCon and we’re going to do our best to name them all! Reason number four is that our conference is packed full of qualified and interesting speakers like David Duffett! You can see who else is speaking at ClueCon right here.

David is a Geek that has been publicly speaking and teaching for more than 25 years, from London to Los Angeles, Berlin to Beirut, Kingston to Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai to Melbourne, and Mexico City! He loves communications technology has served as the Worldwide Community Director for the Asterisk® project! David has always been grateful to the Geeks that build the various technologies he speaks about, and he wants to give back – by helping Geeks to Speak! [Asterisk is a registered trademark of Digium – A Sangoma Company]

David’s talk is all about helping Geeks such as yourself to communicate with decision makers and Non-Geeks! Check his talk out at ClueCon among many other interesting speakers!

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